Now This Brings Tears

I was so happy to see the Amazon truck carrying this precious cargo.

My dad’s copy of Birdie & Mipps.

His reaction to a pillow hug made from his son’s shirt holding our book was priceless.

First, he laughed.

Then, he caught his breath.

“Now this brings tears,” he admitted freely as he turned the page and saw the picture of his baby boy on the bike in the back of our book. Tears. So. Many. Tears. Tears of grief. Tears of pride. Tears of loss. Tears of gratitude. Tears of joy. Tears of what was. Tears of what isn’t anymore. Tears of missing. So. Many. Tears. Of. Missing.

And yet, we move forward, one breath, one step, one day at a time. For there are babies to be baptized, like Leah, the newest member of our family.

Do we wish Mipps could have been here for this four-generation celebration? No question. But we definitely felt his presence as we continue to grieve with the hope of one day seeing him again. Until then, we work with intention to keep his legacy of love alive by sharing his story and continuing his ministry of compassionate connections, gratitude and generosity.

Thank you, dear reader, for your interest in our book and its backstory. Have you read Birdie & Mipps yet? What was your favorite part?

5 thoughts on “Now This Brings Tears”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your brother and such a lovely way to honor his memory. I needed to see this today. I lost my brother 21 years ago today – in 2003 when he was 49.
    I loved seeing the photographs with your parents when your dad saw the pillow made from your brother’s shirt and with the book. Thanks for sharing.

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