Young Authors’ Day

I had the most incredible time on Friday celebrating the 20th-annual Young Authors’ Day at Willow River Elementary in Hudson, WI; what a treat to be invited to be their special guest and get to share our story. I’m so grateful to Sarah and her beautiful school family for the warm welcome and loving kindness throughout the day.

To walk into the library and see our book among these special literary picks?


Sometimes it just doesn’t seem real, that I get to travel around helping young writers learn about the publishing process from seedling idea to hardback book. It gives me great joy to answer their questions and sign words of encouragement in my book for them. My favorite new phrase? Sometimes empathy is quiet.

So what’s next? As another school year winds down and we slide into summer, our release of Birdie & Mipps is just around the corner, set for next week, May 23rd, 2024. This Thursday, I’ll be at our Friendswood Library to talk with local young authors about publishing, then we’ll do a “Hello-my-nickname-is” activity before our fabulous librarian Christina and I read the book aloud. I get to play the older sister Birdie, while she tackles the role of a very curious Mipps.

Didn’t she do an incredible job on the invitation?

Oh, and before I head out, a huge shoutout to Julie Garnett for showcasing Mr. Quigley’s Keys on her Musical Storytime Plus. We are super grateful to be a part of her stellar storytelling family.

Do let me know if you’d like to schedule an author visit for your budding writers.

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